Saturday, June 25, 2005

Social Security Disability Insurance for Disabled Adult Children

You may be eligible to receive disability cash benefits on the record of your parent(s) if:

Ø You are 18 years of age or older, and
Ø You have a disability that began before age 22, and
Ø You have a parent who has worked and earned enough credits and that parent is retired, deceased or has a disability, and
Ø You are not working or working but earning less than $585 per month.

If your disabled person meets these eligibility requirements then they will begin receiving a cash benefit equal to 50% of your social security retirement benefit and 75% of that benefit after your death. This is subject to the family maximum, so it may be lower depending on the number of your eligible dependants.

Primary recipient = $ 2000 per month at 100%
Spousal recipient = 1000 per month at 50%
Disabled Adult Child = 1000 per month at 50% (not to exceed the family maximum of $3500. Their benefits are reduced to $750 until the death of a beneficiary.)

They also receive Medicare A & B. If they have been previously covered through SSI and Medicaid, then:
Ø There is no waiting period for the Medicare; and,
Ø Medicaid continues plus pays the Part B premiums and all deductibles and co pays for Medicare if their benefit is below $917 (for 2005).

For more information go to: