Saturday, June 25, 2005

Health Insurance Premium Payment Plan

If someone in your household is on Medicaid and someone in your household is employed, you may qualify for the Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Program for Texas Medicaid recipients and their families.

What is HIPP?

The Health Insurance Premium Payment Program (HIPP) is a Medicaid program that pays for the cost of Medical Premiums. The Program reimburses clients or employers for private health insurance payments for Medicaid eligible persons when it is cost effective.

Why would I want HIPP?

HIPP will pay for your private health insurance program.
Members of your family who are not eligible for Medicaid may be covered under HIPP.
Health Insurance paid through HIPP may cover services that are not covered under Medicaid

How will the Premiums be paid?

Once your eligibility has been determined, the State Contractor, Texas Medicaid, and Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) will pay or continue to pay for private health insurance premiums as long as you or a member of the family is eligible for Medicaid and the private insurance has been determined to be cost effective.

How do I apply?
For more information, contact the HIPP program at 1-800-440-0493.